Coping with Covid 19 Anxiety

Dear Potential or Existing Client!

Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Plan for March and April 2020

I wanted to write you some words of reassurance at this anxious time for us all.

Firstly, I want to reassure you that Golden Leaf Counselling is still open for business.  I am using telephone or Skype sessions at this time, until the end of April, when I will reassess the situation.

Blessings and good wishes to you all


Below please find an extract from an article I wrote recently, for your encouragement: 

Noticing Helpful Little Things at Times of Anxiety

This week I was up early for an appointment and heard the joy of the little birds just tuning up for the dawn chorus. Watching the sky lighten as I drove along with a good friend beside me and the early signs of Spring passing by the windows of the car, made me realise that there is much to be thankful for. Maybe a little mindfulness would help you too?

To be “mindful” refers to focusing on your ‘felt sensations’ as you enjoy the world around you, and also as you identify what makes you feel less comfortable.  It is a way to understand your body as a barometer of your feelings – they may be ‘set fair’, or ‘stormy’, or ‘on the change’. 

As an example, I have recently discovered how much more enjoyment I get from eating sourdough bread (toasted) rather than the regular supermarket bread, even wholemeal.  There is something about the chewiness of the sensation as you bite into a slice of sourdough toast, perhaps spread with butter and a good quality

berry jam, marmalade or honey, that is very satisfying.  It takes longer to chew and swallow, but seems to feel more comforting. You may have a favourite food that not only is good for your health, but which makes you feel good too. 

Why not try mindfully eating your breakfast, or mindfully walking the dog, over the coming weeks, and see what a difference it makes?

There is more information on my website at, and I have written an article which you can find on the Counselling Directory, at (Coping with Corona Virus (Covid 19) Mindfully).

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