
  • Depression/Anxiety/Stress Counselling
  • Relationships
  • Anger Management
  • Bereavement, Loss,
  • Ageing Process, Dementia Support
  • Drug & Alcohol dependency
  • Couples Work
  • Older teens and 17-25 age group:  general identity issues
  • Exploration around male or female identity issues
  • Life Coaching/Mentoring skills
  • Qualified Pschologically Informed Mediator

Do you want to make some changes in your life, but feel unsure how to go about it?

Golden Leaf Counselling offers a creative approach that may help you understand yourself and your problems better.

Golden leaf offers an Integrative Service – that means that different ways (a portfolio approach) of counselling are woven together to suit the client – and am qualified to Masters Level (MA Integrative Counselling, York St John University).  Examples of approaches that you may have heard of are:  Person Centred;  CBT;  CAT; Psychodynamic; Existential; Gestalt

Whether you like to be structured or non structured, you can be sure that you will be fully involved in the counselling process.  What happens will be largely up to you, but I will accompany you on your journey to a different way of looking at, and coping with, things.

Face to face Sessions  will always be available for clients who need this,  (where there is space and time to accommodate you safely) as Golden Leaf Counselling is an “essential Mental Health Support” Service.  You will always have the option of using telephone, zoom or facetime.   A limited number of “walking therapy” sessions may also be available.  

Please however, do not attend a session in person at any time, but request a phone or zoom session, if  you have  symptoms of Covid 19, and let me know if you have been near anyone with these symptoms in the last 14 days.

  • A new and persistent cough
  • A high temperature
  • A new onset loss of taste and smell


About Counselling in General…

Counselling is about creating a safe space for you to talk and to be heard…..it’s two (or 3 in a couples session)  people working together on issues that you, the client bring to the session (usually 55  minutes long), and it has a focus on what you can change to feel in more control of your life. It’s bringing a perspective from OUTSIDE of your situation, from someone not part of your usual relationships.

What’s Unique to Golden Leaf?

Golden Leaf looks at your life with you as something that grows and changes and has seasons –  What worked for you years or even weeks ago may not be working for you now.   Sometimes it helps to have the input of someone neutral to your existing networks, outside your situation…this can help you to make the changes that you feel you need, to make your life more meaningful and more satisfying.

Looking at your current problem in context to the past and what you want in the future, can  help you to see what patterns you want to keep and which ones you want to get rid of.  This can restore hope to a difficult situation and give you some direction.

You also work with an experienced counsellor who is qualified to Masters level  in Integrative (Existential) Counselling, (including Person Centred, Psychodynamic and CBT approaches) and who teaches  Counselling to university level (currently an Associate Lecturer at the Existential Academy in London). From 2020 I am also PFOA (Police Fire Arms Officers Association)  registered.

The work is carried out in accordance with the BACP code of ethics, and by a counsellor with full personal indemnity insurance.  See: http://www.bacp.co.uk/ethical_framework/


Couples Work (Total of 60 hours+  of training and 15  years of experience)

Anxiety and Depression

Male Identity – (male friendly approach)

Addictions and Dependencies (especially Drug and Alcohol related) ;
Relationship issues (singles, couples or family problems) ;
Bereavement and Loss

Dementia Support

Special interests include:    Life path Choices and Decisions;  Mentoring; Dream work where appropriate (Jungian type Dream analysis) Dementia Support

Currently Studying:  D Prof in Practical Theology, ARU with CTF

Prices and Terms

Golden Leaf offers you:

Counselling sessions of 55 minutes

(Free 15  minute initial phone session if required)

January 2024 We understand that many are anxious about finances during this difficult time and have kept our price increases to the minimum:  therefore we are pleased to announce:

Solo Sessions usually cost £65 for first session: £55 thereafter (groups of 3 sessions booked in a block and paid up front are discounted).

Couples sessions:  £80 for assessment couples session:  £75 thereafter:

(5% discount available after first session  if 3 sessions booked in a block and paid for in advance.)

(There are also concessions available for unwaged, proven financial hardship, and full time students)

I commit to let you know as far as possible in advance if I need to cancel…

What Golden Leaf requires of you:

  • to pay on the day or in advance
  • to let me know in good time if you need to cancel – ( if you don’t let me know you need to cancel with at least 24 hours notice,  we regret that the fee is usually charged in fulI)

(Full contract details available on request)

Philosophy of Practice

Golden Leaf counsels from a belief system that mankind has a spiritual dimension as well as a physical one… working  with the whole person, rather than with just the one issue that someone may present with.  I incorporate an Existential outlook into my Person Centred counselling base, along with Gestalt and Behavioural working tools.

The Existential approach is more about the journey than the destination…if you think this sounds interesting ask for more details when you contact me.

Since the past continually impacts on the present, I find that Freudian psychodynamic processes are useful for unravelling complex past influences.

I work with the beliefs of each client on an individual basis. I respect other belief systems (my own background is Christian) and have spent time studying other ways of faith. I meditate, practice yoga, have Jewish and Muslim friends, and believe in the use of other techniques and disciplines, such as acupuncture,  reflexology, or herbology. The importance of  paying attention to diet, sleep and exercise needs to be mentioned too.

I also use dream work and art and music  as appropriate and in agreement with you, the client, within my counselling sessions.

Carl Jung said of dreams (1939) in “Modern Man in Search of a Soul”:
The dream gives a true picture of the subjective state, while the conscious mind denies that this state exists, or recognizes it only grudgingly (p. 5).
He also comments:
It is the way of dreams to give us more than we ask (p. 5).

Making Meaning:  Many believe that personal beliefs are at the root of every meaningful action.

Golden Leaf believes that we all operate from a personal value system that guides our actions and our meanings.  We are not always aware what this value system is – it may have been passed on to us through family or other influences – but it is helpful to know what your own values are.  Your values help shape your thinking and your decisions.

“The paradox of faith is that we can never be certain of anything but we have to act as if it is so, in full knowledge that it may not be.”
(Van Deurzen & Adams, 2011: 152).

“Faith is the susbtance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:  1, KJV Bible).

Training Events for Counsellors and General Blog update

Golden Leaf Counselling runs regular training events for counsellors in Norwich, usually in the Music Room at Anteros Arts.

2023: Trauma Tools in Action

2022: Trauma and the Body

During 2021 we managed two sessions:

Lost Pianos in Siberia and Psychosynthesis, where we looked at what we really need for survival (challenging Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs).

and in November 2021,

Autism, Communication and Trauma, where we looked at how Autism symptoms can masquerade as Trauma symptoms and vice versa.

CPD Network Norwich with GLCS

Continuing Professional Development for Counsellors…check out the Counselling Directory for latest info Golden Leaf hosts a morning training session every 3-4 months in Norwich on a Friday, 10.00 – 1.30 pm, at Anteros Arts, Fye Bridge Street, Norwich NR3 1LJ. Coffee, Cake and Certificate for £45.00. https://www.anterosfoundation.com 2023 and 2024 Psychology Group at Norwich Club: …

Helpful article, The Sunday Times, 10.05.20

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/coronavirus-and-mental-health-uncertainty-now-rules-us-all-confront-it-and-grow-smtxk7mcl Psychotherapist Juliet Rosenfeld is seeing some patients thrive in the isolation of lockdown…this might be far from the case for you personally, but she makes some good points in this article.