Client Comments

Q: What would you say helped you most in your counselling sessions?

A: April 2024:  “Opening up about sensitive issues, having a listening ear;  having an independent third party provide perspectives on the issues…”

A: (Couple, 2022) “I want to thank you for being so instrumental in the healing of our marriage…you so gently and lovingly helped me through, not only me but x also…”

A:  March 2021:  “I can’t thank you enough for my renewed sense of self.  I am at peace for the first time in a long time…”

A:  March 2020: “ I have learnt its all about my mindset and I feel I have made positive changes already and the rest will come in time with practice”

A: October 2019…”Being able to talk freely, express my feelings and offload…gaining advice and tips for my complicated life”

A:  October 2018:  “being listened to and understood”

…”having the space to tell Jennie about all the troubles and worries in such a calm, quiet space…Jennie has a wonderfully calm and approachable manner”

A: August 2017

I am so grateful for all of your support in what I call my uncertain dark days. My life is running smoothly and I actually thank the Lord I choose to walk away from what I can only describe as living in a world that I wasn’t aware of at the time.

Update (same client) (13.3.18)

I am so happy with how my life is going and feel so positive at long last, I have moved house and me and my children are settled and I have a lovely caring person in my life … A year ago I was in a awful place but with a special thanks to you I’m now in a place I couldn’t of ever imagined.

A:  “I learnt to like myself, having a listening ear that was honest, caring and trusting.  I have learnt to handle situations differently.  It was a
very genuine friendship that I will never forget.” (11/12)

A:  “…The fact that I have achieved all I have this Summer has been due to your challenging questions and support in the right measures.  It is much appreciated.” (9/12)

A:  “…Talking about my feelings” (2/12)

A:  “Jennie had well informed knowledge of spiritual matters, and (I) was able to speak freely in a safe place” (9/11)

A:  “It was a place to be honest without judgement.  I like the fact that I can throw anything at you and you throw as well as you catch” (12/11)

A:  “…being able to talk to someone other than family about my problem and getting constructive and helpful feedback” (2/12)

A:  “I feel understood because you are a woman…listen (to) me and my husband separate…help me to understand better my husband” (COUPLES work)

A:  “I did love when she make my husband to understand the different culture. He knows me more now.” (12/11)

A:  “…been able to talk to someone who is not a member of the family.“(8/11)
“The fact that I had someone who shared similar interests, and who offered practical advice.”(8/11)

A:  “I also learn’t how important it is to like myself.  We can only give to people what we hold inside about ourselves.” (9/12)

A:  ” …to talk to someone…who has been able to give me permission to view things differently” (1/13)

A:   “…helping me sort myself out…I now feel more positive about myself” (11/13)

A:  “…having someone to talk to outside of family”(11.13)

A:  “…being able to  talk to someone who I felt cared for me, but had no connection with my family” (04.14)

A:  “…having dedicated time to address issues…” (04.14)

A:  “…highlighting key differences between communication styles…” (04.14)

A: “…”Professionalism…excellent rapport…fantastic engagement….feel relaxed and confident to communicate my issues” (11.14)

A: ” …becoming aware of and feeling excited about all the possibilities available to me!” (01.15)

A:  “I found it extremely helpful talking to someone outside the family/friend circle, to hear an outsiders opinion that was the same as mine put me at ease… ” (07.15)

A:  “A big thank you… you really have put us back together again and will always be grateful for your help and advice…” (12.19, COUPLES work)

Some verbal feedback below:

A:  “You help me put into words things that are hard to express” (10.19)

A:  “…You’re a good listener” (08.14)
A:   “…”I felt welcome.  It was home from home.” (10.14)
A:  “…”Professionalism…